By Tom Wilde

Your CV has landed you the interview, which means it’s time to prepare yourself as thoroughly so that on the day of your interview you will be in a position to impress your potential employer.
  • RESEARCH: The more information you research on the company you are interviewing with, the people who will be interviewing you, the higher your chance of success will be. Look beyond their home page on their website; explore everything you can find in order to have insightful questions to ask at the interview. Use search engines to find any other published information about the company.

  • REVIEW & RESEARCH INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: Ask your contact person o what kind of interview you might expect, so that you can plan the kind of responses that may be expected of you.

  • DRESS THE PART: Study what the image of the company is and plan your wardrobe to suit it. It is always better to be overdressed than under. Keep accessories and jewellery to a minimum. Make sure that your clothes are clean and fit well.

  • BE ON TIME: Arrive a bit earlier to give yourself time to observe the dynamics of the work environment you may be entering; there is never an excuse to arrive late! Always take a pen and notepad with, turn your cell phone off and throw your chewing gum away!

  • CLEAN UP YOUR SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES: In this digital age, you would be amazed at how many potential employers will reject someone because of inappropriate content found on their social platforms! There are even apps that will help you clear your social media of any potential red flags.

  • GREAT FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Make a great first impression by dressing appropriately, making eye contact, smiling and offering a firm handshake. Practice the handshake if you have to, a limp-fish handshake just won’t do! The first 15 to 20 minutes is when the decision is already made; make a positive, authentic impression with a great attitude!

  • BODY LANGUAGE: Pay attention to your body language. Stay focussed, fidgeting is very off putting, remember that you are there to sell yourself and your skills, and anything that detracts from that is going to be a loss to you. Finally, remember to thank the interviewer for their time, whether in person or via email.

Having everything in place, knowing that you have researched and planned well for your interview, will make it easier to create a positive impact that will make you the candidate of choice!